Nature Meditation KM Group
Offered by the Nature Meditation KM Group
Kalyana Mitta is the Sanskrit word for a spiritual friend. Kalyana means virtuous, upright or beneficial. Mitta means kindness. When Ananda spoke to the Buddha about good friendship being half of the spiritual life, the Buddha quickly corrected him by saying it was the ‘entire spiritual path’. The path is not designed to be walked alone, but with valued spiritual friends.
“A Kalyana Mitta is not just any pal you hang out with … a Kalyana Mitta is someone who helps you realize your deeper aspirations, one who uplifts your path to a higher level of ethical and spiritual well-being.”
~ David Viafora, Lion’s Roar, “Spiritual Friendship Is the Path”
A bit of history about RIM’s Nature KM Group
Year one of the Nature Meditation KM Group began with personal exposure to guided nature meditations. Soon, thoughts melded, friends encouraged each other, and plans were laid for the Nature Meditation KM Group of 2023. In year one, we hoped to rekindle that sense of awe and gratitude we felt in nature.
"We were drawn to exploring mindfulness as a nourishing path for deeper interconnection with nature and a rich sense of awe, wonder, and gratitude. I hoped to gather with others in our beautiful Sangha to practice being present in nature, exploring, sharing, growing, awakening a felt sense of healing, and deepening our love and care for the Earth.” ~ Kerry Thomas
Our first six hikes provided moments of unexpected joy … the richness of conversation after the hikes, sharing ‘aha’ moments, asking questions, and sharing insights. There was real beauty in slowing down and being with nature on a more spacious level. We were all deeply moved by the felt sense of awe, curiosity, and gratitude that emerged through this intentional presence in nature.
Year two of the Nature Meditation KM Group kicked off with a Zoom Meeting to provide basic information, solicit volunteers, share a short nature meditation, and offer a brief period for questions and answers.
In year two, we hope to expand that sense of awe and gratitude to include reciprocity. Nature offers her gifts unconditionally, even when we exploit her resources. Reciprocity acknowledges our dependence on Earth’s resources and returns the favor by treating our Earth with respect, restraint, and loving care.
Guided hikes will be offered monthly on Sundays from 11:30-12:45 pm through October. You may still register to get on the mailing list.
“Our only hope of protecting Mother Earth is by changing the hearts and minds of its human inhabitants. When we recall and linger in the memory of walking in nature, we rekindle our love of nature. We will likely find we want to actively protect that which we love.” ~ Christine Jacobi
We look forward to sharing our mutual love of nature. When we combine awe, gratitude, and reciprocity, we have an active hope for a more sustainable future.

Offered by the Nature Meditation KM Group:
Bios: Amy Gardner, Christine Jacobi, and Kerry Thomas
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